The Blue Boy

November 30, 2007 Uncategorized Comments (4) 891

This is a painting of my best friend’s 3 year old son, Pinter. I worked in tandom with his mom selecting an appropriate colour scheme and image (done from a photo) to portray Pinter in a painting that looks of it’s time. I began with a blue-grey wash drawing on a blue-grey ground. In the second stage of painting (the dead colouring) I painted Pinter’s portrait with oranges and browns, leaving the blue wash drawing in the background and showing through in parts of the dead colouring. Artistically the end result was a blue painting (the background and clothes) with a complimentary anomoly (orange flesh). When looking at the painting the anomoly catches your eye and thus focuses your attention on the face of Pinter.

4 Responses to :
The Blue Boy

  1. emilebklein says:

    Nice Martinho, I am excited to see what info you will be posting, I’ll be checking up.

  2. Ann Howell says:

    Hi Martinho, thanks for this, I remain jealous…
    What an intriguing journey “off the coast of Utopia”!
    Ann Howell

  3. KimSD says:

    Hi Martinho,

    What a nice surprise to pop open the latest issue of the International Artist and find your painting on page 7. It made my day to see it and your name below it. It’s really lovely. I love seeing what a great painter you’ve become.

    Kim in San Diego

  4. Horacio says:

    Hi Martinho,

    It’s great to see your career is going so well! I always look forward to see yout progress. You have great talent and wonderful eye for detail. Best wishes!
    e-mail me sometime.

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