Drawing from me head!

March 21, 2008 Uncategorized Comments (4) 919

I have been working on a a program that would develop in students the ability to create and draw the figure from imagination. This an area that is overlooked in the drawing programs of many currents art schools where students are taught to copy and render the model without analyzing it in a way which allows them to create figures without a model. The ability to compose wothout a model is a necessary skill not only for fine artists but more so for students wishing to work as illustrators and concept artists with the film and gaming industries. ( Both of which offer many opportunities). I am consolidating ideas from a number of sources including: The Angel figure drawing program, Andrew Loomis’ books, Glen Vilppu’s drawing manual, Leonardo’s notebooks, the sketchbooks of Adam Hughes, Bridgman’s Drawing manuals and Strength Training Anatomy by F. Delavier. The first student of this program is me. Below are some of my sketchbook pages:

4 Responses to :
Drawing from me head!

  1. emilebklein says:

    Martinho, why am I the only one leaving you comments? I think this is really great what you’re doing and I highly applaud you. I am very excited to see how your progression works out and when I feel ready I plan to jump on your bandwagon.

  2. Spread the word Emile. I probably don’t get too many visitors here yet. Thanks for your comments.

  3. Matt says:

    Hey Martinho,

    It is great that you doing drawings from your imagination. Just like the Old Masters. I have been doing them for years and it is the next step towards visual fluency. Sometimes it is strange what comes out. I painted a Saint Francis and he looks just like you!

  4. Marvin says:

    Hi Martinho, I am inspired and impressed with your journey – from Calgary to Florence to pursue a passion for figurative art. Myself, I am from Calgary and while my passion is art I choose a career in Social Work doing art on the side as a hobby. Keep up the good work! If I weren’t in New York when you are here giving your work shop, I certainly would attend. All the best, Marvin (cast.alo@hotmail.com)

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